Power Years

Midlife woman walks in a meadow by the sea in Pane e Pomodoro's beach in Bari (Apulia)

Midlife redesign: 10 signs you’re ready

Midlife gets a bad rap with its connection to crises and stray chin hairs.But what is also true is the middle can be an incredible time of life.By the time we reach our 40s and 50s, we’ve put hours and hours into building our lives. If we haven’t quite gotten to the top of the mountain then we’re at least experts on the climb. And we look around and realize that all our choices have brought us to this point.
Transparent glass ball reflecting an antique alarm clock on a wet sandy beach

Time is a gift … what are you doing with yours?

On a scale of 1-10, where 1 is not busy at all and 10 is totally time bankrupt, how busy are you? If you said 10 (or even 11 or 12), you’re not alone.Life is busy. Especially when we have multiple roles and responsibilities and people counting on us. And who are we kidding, that's mostly everybody these days. There is always someone or something who needs our attention.So let’s say for the sake of argument there really is zero time. Let’s say that every minute is legitimately booked.
Vintage keys sticking out of the sand on a beach

6 questions to ask yourself when you feel stuck

I have a lot of empathy for feeling stuck. I understand how hard it can be to bust out of well-worn patterns, habits, and beliefs. When I’ve felt like that in the past, I haven’t been able to see what’s possible. I haven’t been able to see that I have choices. It feels like I’m going around and around in circles and nothing changes. And worse, it seems like everyone else is moving forward.
Mountain valley during sunrise. Natural summer landscape.

My monthly check-in for maintaining a balanced “lifescape”

Late last year, I realized that some parts of my life were thriving and others were looking a little bit flat. So in January, I decided that instead of waiting until the end of the year to take stock and come up with goals for the new year, I would do that at the end of every month.

Why learning to recognize your Inner Critic is so important

Are you being guided by a clear understanding of what you want your life to look like and what matters to you or is your Inner Critic making your decisions? The answer to that question is the key to beginning to make new choices that will help you create a life that serves you.

20 Quotes for people who are transforming their lives

After learning how to make a "Book of Hours" in Rozanne Lopez's workshop last December, I'm sharing some of my favorite quotes and wisdom from my very own Book of Hours journal. They continue to inspire me and keep me focused. I hope they will be valuable to you as well.
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