
Taming your inner People Pleaser in midlife

Many of my clients tell me they’re people pleasers. I wonder if this is because I spent a lot of my time and energy people-pleasing myself, so I attract clients who have similar experiences? It’s a tendency that I’ve worked hard on recognizing, understanding, and changing so I enjoy helping others do the same. Here’s […]

Developing self-trust in midlife

“The more uncertain the world is, the more important it is to trust yourself.” – Mercedes Finlay Self-trust is the backbone of the Power Years™. It is what allows you to take risks, and let go of what’s not working anymore. It supports bold choices and quietly creating a truer, more fulfilling life. Self-trust gives you the courage […]
Jack Hourigan

“Tess’s birth has shifted the trajectory of my life and career.”

When her baby was born 3 months prematurely her life changed in every way. Find out how Jack Hourigan used the rules of improv to navigate those early days in the NICU.
Yolanda McAdam

“It took me a really long time to learn to say NO and mean it.”

After a breakdown, in her thirties, that ended up being a breakthrough, Yolanda McAdam slowed down and took stock of what was most important to her. Today she lives in line with her top values and freely exercises her right to use her favourite word...NO!
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